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Multiflora Honey

Multiflora Honey

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Bee Organika’s Multiflora Honey is truly a remarkable substance, made even more extraordinary by the process with which it is made. The Bees collected a bit of a mixture of nectar from Honey of thousand flowers . This honey is light in colour and has a sweet taste. Because it is composed of nectars from flowers blossoming at a particular period of time in a particular place, it is essentially impossible to reproduce it exactly from year to year. This blend of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids is quite unlike any other sweetener on the planet. Honey is a great substitute for sugar which helps in managing calorie better while also adding many healthy nutrients in place of empty calories. We collect multiflora Honey from Organic flower farms .

1) Honey contains an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide which makes it antibacterial and anti-fungal.

2) Honey is used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and allergies.

3) Besides excellent nutritional value, it can also be also used as a calming and sedative agent.

4) Honey has the ability to inhibit ulcers and prevent cancer.

5) Honey improve metabolism, which keeps our body slim and fit.

6) It is a rich source of antioxidants and helps prevent premature aging, cardiovascular diseases and improve eyesight.

7) Honey has anti-inflammatory effects. It is used to relieve a cough, cold and sore throat pain.

8) The drying effect of the simple sugars and honey’s antibacterial nature helps soothe injuries and prevent infections.

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